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  1. All payments must be notified with a ticket and / or proof of payment to WhatsApp 322 688 3106. Without proof of payment, you will be able to attend the course but will not be given a certificate when completing the agenda. If you want to be sent a certificate, this will cost  $389 MXN (late registration) + shipping cost and packaging.

  2. The cost of $2350 MXN / $4000 MXN must be covered no later than one week (Friday) before the date of the course, otherwise the cost increases by $500 MXN and must be paid at the beginning of the course. 

  3. If you have made a deposit of $500 MXN, you must cover the total of the course the week before (see point 2). Reservations only insures your place of participation, it does not ensure the price per late payment.


  1. Reservations for $500 MXN are not eligible to return 24 hours after the time of the deposit. 

  2. Full Payment Returns are permitted as long as notification of cancellation happens no later than one week before (Friday) of the date of the course. If notification of cancellation is received during the previous week of the event, payment can not be returned or transferred.  When payment is eligible for return, it will take be returned in a period of 7 working days, minus $500 MXN per registration cost + commission costs for deposits.

  3. In case of cancellation of the event, the total amount of the deposit will be refunded within a maximum period of 5 working days.



  1. For registered people who can not attend, you may transfer your registration as long as notification of transfer is received one week (Friday) before the event. This procedure will cost $198 MXN per change of registration, if doing so in the current week of the event on cost per procedure will be $389 MXN (late registration) and the certificate can not be delivered at the end of the course. If you want to receive the hardcopy, you will be charged shipping and packaging costs.

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